Regarding your question mark at level 3 in the figure: I believe there is a 1:1 relation between EVSE and “socket” in OSM. At least that is the case among thousands of EVSE identifiers available through OCPI in my country.
How could you get a 1:1 relation when you can have multiple sockets for one EVSE, and several EVSE on a single level 2 (man_made=charge_point / charging station / stall).
Real exemples :
- One stall with 2 EVSE. Each EVSE offer one type 2 socket and one type F socket.
- One stall with 3 EVSE. Sockets are Type2, Chademo, CCS
Example from the wiki:
How do you link the ref and the socket to know which socket is in use or out of service ?
There is no link between the ref and the socket in OSM. The link would be in the app from the operator.
I think it would be too complicated to map EVSEs in OSM. Most users would not be able to establish how many and which EVSEs are contained in a stall. I think it is sufficient to map which refs are handled by each physical stall. Personally I do not map stalls at all, just one node for the site.
Hi !
I had started to work on an evolution of the tag model to be able to differentiate EVSE refs correctly, but I clearly lack free time for this subject.
Anyway, the current meaning of man_made=charge_point
in Osm remains problematic, as it doesn’t match its definition.
I think we should fix this before it’s too late. (less than 6000 uses of the tags at the moment, but it’s growing fast)
How about a proposal to replace man_made=charge_point?
or something else?
Hello, i would totally second the clarification of the tag with something like man_made=charge_stall
but man_made is a clogged key, we could go for a key of charging_station detailling all the levels of the eMI3 standard, thanks for this schema @StephaneP btw.
- amenity=charging_station describes a pool, but maybe we should use charging_station=pool because amenity is also a “put everything here” kind of key.
- charging_station=stall for the totem part detailing if there is a cable, counting the outlets and if we can use several at once.
- charging_station=terminal charging_station=terminal for the part with a screen to interact with subscription cards we see sometimes
- charging_station=outlet_group ? if we can define the level 4
- charging_station=outlet being the smallest object of all the levels, then comes the decision to choose where to define the data of outlets and if we should repeat some of it at the higher level to ease reuse, or count on relations and references id linked on things to gain in precision.
i guess we should run a proposal on the wiki and communicate with a lot of people interested in the topic to make it better before launching a vote for approval.
Wouldn’t that change everything again?