Canada subcategory

Hi all, I’m taking this process over from @nukeador during his absence.

Thanks to @jfd553, @joel56dt and @Eric_Geiler_A_B_Courier for volunteering to moderate a Canada category and for your introductions!

There has been plenty of time for community discussion and I see no issues with this category request, so I’ll soon set up a simple poll that will run for 5 days. This will formally demonstrate community support for this new category and moderator team. After the poll succeeds, we’ll set up the category (with the imported content from the old forum).

Hello again everyone,

this voting poll is to validate the initial moderation team for a “Canada” category. The list will be validated if it gets at least 80% of yes votes. Note that votes (who voted what) are public to help identify any abuses.


Do you approve @jfd553, @joel56dt and @Eric_Geiler_A_B_Courier to be category moderators for the “Canada” category?
  • Yes I approve
  • No, I don’t approve (please comment below)

0 voters

The #communities:ca category has now been set up (with the content imported from the old forum already in place). I’ve also added the approved moderators to the @mods-canada group.

For visibility, I recommend to advertise this new channel within your local community and request an update to the OSM Community Index to include this new channel for your community and remove any former/inactive one.

Enjoy your new community space!