Bulk added notes

Does https://github.com/SomeoneElseOSM/Notes01 do what you want?

Thanks Andy, I have used your tool before but I see you have added more options, I’ll check it out.

Maybe It would be better, not only stored in your computer, as you can collaborate with others mappers sharing the changes you made to notes, and retrieving changes from others, and also seeing the same information from all your devices. The changes to notes made by yourself or by other mappers you trust would have more confidence than changes made by everyone else.
We already have the concept of “friends” in the website. maybe using the same list, or adding a “trusted” list.

From another point of view, as the problem is not the number of notes, but the usefulness of them, maybe a “wizard” style UI instead of only a textbox could help anonymous (and registered) users write more useful notes.

Not a guarantee but, you could help users with a wizard UI asking for the useful information, in the website but also in the apps that are adding notes.

I suppose people behind anonymous notes are not trying to hide themselves, they are collaborating like everyone else just without being registered users, so maybe asking for an contact email (but without requiring it) would be good. Based on that if an anonymous users made a note is because they have interest in some error being fixed, i suppose they want to answer comments to their notes.

In my estimation, a lot of anonymous notes are:

personal mapping;
vanity (e.g. their own house number, with no other information);
advertising (from the name of the business through to a large screed of purple prose about the business).

I suppose people behind anonymous notes are not trying to hide themselves, they are collaborating like everyone else just without being registered users, so maybe asking for an contact email (but without requiring it) would be good.

We already asked him/her friendly for some more information like source, house number, etc, however as far as I know we still haven’t got a reaction from anonymous. And because he’s/she’s pinning notes all over the place, with just the name of a store for example, the other more usefull notes are just not visable anymore.

Anonymous notes are a great addition to OSM as long as people are using them where they are intended for I think, and now there are just a few people that are sort of misbehaving, which is a shame of course. Hundreds of notes that are probalby placed by the same person, with just the name of a shop. Sometimes anonymous is even telling what we (mappers with an account) need to do in a not-so-friendly way.
For example:
‘Nice job [, you need to place another post box here and here.’ 'Here you need to place one too [

You’re completely right, if you ask me.
House numbers are imported for a service from the Dutch government, so that’s all done.
Advertising is what happens now, but we think it’s not done by a person from those businesses. I mean, if you really want your business on the map, you’re collaborating with the mappers: reaction the reactions you get, trying to give as many information as possible etc.***
‘Based on that if an anonymous users made a note is because they have interest in some error being fixed, i suppose they want to answer comments to their notes.’***


I think it is exactly as ligfietser says: “It is impossible to see the forest for the trees and mappers are starting to ignore them.”.

Even if 5% of the anonymous notes would be worthwhile to be considered we just cannot find these!

So a simple colouring/hiding scheme might well work. Anonymous posters will see that notes that are not seen or being reacted on will vanish. The difference between hiding and deleting from the database is semantic to me.

Asking editors to write their own API import scripts to only load / see recent non-anonymous notes is not necessary and at least for me too difficult and could be easily solved server-side.

That still needs someone to actually do it - there are no “magic programming fairies”! switch2osm’s “getting started with leaflet” https://switch2osm.org/using-tiles/getting-started-with-leaflet/ is an example that’s not a million miles away from what you’d need to do for a standalone version. If you want it on the OSM site and have never dabbled in the website code (and I haven’t either) then there have been examples of crowdfunding https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/Zverik/diary/39562 - basically bribe a contributor to do it!

I still hope those fairies exists to fight those trolls! :smiley:
In the Netherlands some are dumping complete address databases as notes. Mailboxes, shops, real estate agents, you name it. Totally clutters the map. From PostNL we know it is even not allowed to reuse this data, which is often not accurate.

I never see the notes, because I have switched off the setting to see notes. So no clutter for me :slight_smile: