A small update to v0.6.1 mainly with improvements to existing features:
Display intermediate versions for ways
Now, when you click on the way history page, all changes will be displayed, including in the tags and coordinates of nodes of the way
If there are too many versions, you will see the versions filter. The K/L combination also works, but I recommend you try it ScrollAnywhere – Get this Extension for 🦊 Firefox (en-US) to navigate through the map with the middle mouse button
there may be problems if some nodes are hidden by moderators
- When you hover over the tag table, the number of tags is now displayed
- Fixed broken POI icons on the changeset page
- Improved HDYC colors in the user profile (thanks @LouisXIV)
- Fixing the color of human-readable wikidata extension cells in a dark theme 🎉 Announcing: human-readable wikidata browser plugins for openstreetmap.org - #9 by ivanbranco
- More tooltips
- A small Easter egg. Try to find a New Year’s tree in your city (or map it!)
Happy holidays everyone!
p.s. update link