Beschreibung für Dachbegrünung

so sehe ich das jetzt so richtig das ihr (ich nehme das was kommt :slight_smile: ) Euch auf
geeinigt habt?

Ich würde dann meine zwischenzeitlichen Tags roof:material= roof_greening dahingehend abändern.



roof_material hat hier niemand vorgeschlagen, roof:material hingegen schon.

Upps, sorry

werde es oben Ändern :blush:

As a matter of interest how would this roof be described? Although the description calls it a green roof it has none of the infrastructure that I associate with such a roof (described by @streckenkundler above), so I might tag it roof:material=plants, green_roof=no

Enviable Outhouse (geograph 6660516)
Bob Harvey / Enviable Outhouse

Well, the question is if we also want to tag vegetation on roofs with green_roof=yes, if this vegetation has not been planted on purpose.

In your example, I’d say roof:material=roof_tiles is correct, but I don’t know how to tag the vegetation.


roof:material=green_roof_tiles …??.. :wink: