So does this mean we get our own subcategory now?
The subcategory was just created. I just noticed the name “Austria”. Would the Austrian community agree to adapt the prevailing naming scheme (in this case “Österreich (Austria)”)? Just an idea to make things more readable for those not able to read English.
[Edit] Done already
The #communities:at category is now created and the approved moderators have been added to the group.
Please make sure you request an update to the OSM Community Index to include this new channel for your community and remove any former/inactive one.
Contributing · osmlab/osm-community-index Wiki · GitHub
Also, please make sure you edit the “About community category” topic to list your community guidelines.
Danke an die Moderatoren für eure Bereitschaft zu dieser Aufgabe!
Ich freue mich auf anregende Diskussionen!