Attention developers of Gosmore,Navit and Monav!

Is it possible to implement display of APRS symbols in the mentioned navigation software ?
About APRS:
The symbols and misc info about them is on this page:
Information on the APRS protocol can be found here:

I am asking about this because i have some ideas i have for a carputer that has built in navigation and
support for APRS,and connection to a vhf/uhf radio.

Touchscreen with mont that fits in a cars 2x DIN (180x100mm)
A viable unit is the Icarus 2DIN housing, it has a touch screen and a
rotary encoder,on/off switch and a 4 port active usb hub with connectors
in the front.
USB hub with 6 ports for under the dashboard modules.
A 12V to 5 V converter is also needed
Rasberry Pi B+ or better.
USB sound card for voice directions from navigation software.
TNC-Pi 2 for those radios that does not have a built in TNC.
USB or on board RS-232 converter for interfacing to radios Terminal Data
port aka TNC/Terminal Node controller.
( )
Some never radios uses (ex Yaesu FTM-400DR) a usb cable with a
something that i am sure is a built in converter.
USB port with optional rs-232 converter for CAT communication with the
radio. Hamlib has support for controlling many radios:
API documentation is here:
GPS receiver with external or internal antenna ( UBLOX NEO-M8N,Supports
BeiDou B1 SBAS L1 C/A: WAAS, EGNOS, MSAS and is Galileo-ready E1B/C)

Optional hardware:
RTL2832U based usb recevier, this one supports DVB-T and FM and DAB+
4x50W audio amplifier

automatic brightness regulation with light-dependent resistor(useful
for night operation)

Basic Software features:
Navigation and routing to addresses and gps coordinates,other APRS stations.
display distance and bearing to the nearest APRS station
with adjustable range filter(display only units that is inside xx
kilometers,also displays beaconed message,this depends on the hardware).
display altitude and GPS info.
GPS track logging.
display speed/bearing of travel.
Stations that are inside the filtered range but outside the current zoom
level is displayed in the right side bar on the units navigation/map
display. If the station transmits a message with a frequency, double
tapping on the message transmitted causes a CAT commando to be sent to
the radio, so it tunes VFO2 to that frequency.
Tapping it again returns it to your “home frequency”,that is stored in
the options dialogue.
Compatible with (import of database from
file or via wlan connection)

compatibility with maps from openstreetmap:
Suggested routing software(unsure about licensing for commercial usage etc):
I don’t know if anyone of these can display APRS symbols.
The software can possibly be customized to do so.

Optional software functions:
DAB/FM tuner
Media player (MP3 and common formats from USB key)
Audio level control

Hello Visaman,

please be aware that (in my personal impression) Gosmore and Monav are no more under active developement in these years. Or did I miss something lately?

The repository service at will be shutdown in the future.

So I have no active hope for your aims. But maybe we can mention your request in weeklyOSM or Wochennotiz, it sounds technical but also interesting.

That will be fun!

I have also made a GIT repository:

Hi Visaman!

Cool project. I’m a member of Navit, and I’d be happy to help facilitate integration of your ideas as a plugin.

Let’s chat!