area:highway and use in Russia

This is an important discussion. Please feel free to make suggestions. I have special thanks to ad47 for pointing out this problem.
By the way: I think Russia is leading in mapping of area:higway? Guys, you are great, make more!



Also, there is exist tag “marking=sport” for sport pitches (example rendering in MapSurfer.Net).

Highway=stop_line looks like the best tag for stop lines anyway. It probably needs some additional tags like stop_line=traffic_signals (I suppose that traffic rules in some countries may require stop at some kinds of stop lines).

Sounds good in my opinion.
Any another suggestions?

Но стоп линии только там, где есть светофоры, а в остальных местах что?


Cтоп линии бывают и там, где нет светофоров. Например у знака STOP, CUSTOM и т.п.
И светофоры бывают без стоп-линий, там где не надо останавливаться на красный свет - у дублирующих светофоров на выезде с перекрестка.

Excuse me, are you speaking about highway=stop_line on nodes or on lines? If second:

Do you think it will not cause a problem when a user want get all routable highway=* in any area? For example, through the Overpass. In this fall ways with highway=stop_line tag come also in query, and user must filter them.

Зачем опять в highway пихать? Есть же road_marking, его и использовать, если так уж хочется разметку наносить.

It is a very important remark, despite many different keys for highway nodes (crossing, traffic_lights, etc.), linear highways should be considered as a routing lines. Linear stop lines is unambiguous part of the road marking.

For case 1. use: highway=stop_line + stop_line=traffic_signals
For case 2. only: highway=stop_line

Stop Line should is a tagging of a node.

My vote for

We already have enough highway=something_that_is_not_a_highway features.

And while you mark points with highway=stop_line it’s a small problem, but if it’s combined with polygonal highways and you mark a line with these tags, it will interfere with highways.

This work is under CC0

В свое время порисовал в округе area:*, да, похоже, GaM все поудалял :frowning:

Sounds good for me. Please feel free to put this suggestion in the proposal page, including your sketch. Is it ok for you?

Best regards,

Но ведь это повод для обращения в DWG.

GaM давал поводы для обращение в DWG уже столько раз… только все почему-то стесняются писать туда.

Marek yep.

I found some bugs, please compare the latest english version.

Also some changes in the description.

French mappers have also visualization of streets as area: