Announcing TIGERMap - tiger:reviewed=no

The TIGER import classified many roads as something other than residential or track, though often inaccurately.

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Re: residential or track, etc.

I’ve been noticing a lot of highway=service and access=private, that were like that since the initial TIGER import. I’ll add service=driveway if it’s a driveway. If not, sometimes it can stay as highway=service, or sometimes it’s really highway=residential and the “private” can be removed. Definitely needs to be removed if it’s a public road with its own street name. I tend not to put “private” on driveways, but I’ll leave it on if it’s already on it. The way I see it, a driveway serves only one or two houses, and there’s no need for anyone to go up there if they’re not visiting the house, so it seems redundant to add the “private” tag. To me, the “private” tag seems useful for service roads that serve several houses, but are not public roads.

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Unless there is a sign or gate that clearly restricts access, I recommend changing access=private to ownership=private. More explanation here: Tag:access=private - OpenStreetMap Wiki

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Thank you for that. I’ve never seen that page before, but I’ll read through it and be aware of the intended meaning for “private” while working with driveways and such.


The site now has a data overlay showing areas covered by the National Address Database. This is most useful for finding places where you can use NAD to do name review. I have documented my own technique in this diary entry.

TIGERMap now has a 2024 Eclipse overlay. Inspired by this thread: 2024 Eclipse Overlay?

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Thank you @watmildon!!! I will use this on my eclipse voyage next month, possibly the last one for a while :frowning: But euro/asian/australians folks will have more opportunities to see eclipses soon.

I’m also going to reference SPC HREF Ensemble Viewer - Cloud cover, ens mean for live and forecasted cloud cover

And I usually pull up google earth and exaggerate elevation by a factor of ten to spot high terrain and get a sense of the ‘view’ from a potential viewing area by scrolling to it and then spinning the camera around. I have enjoyed eclipses from high points before because you can see it for longer, and see further (more of it).

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Thanks for your map @watmildon How often do you update the :tiger2:-overlay?

It updates every 2-3 days but I’m also a terrible sysadmin so don’t hold me to the exact timings.

It pulls whatever the daily update exists on Geofabrik for the US extract but I haven’t bothered to do hourly/minutely updates so there’s also some “delay” there.


First off, thanks for creating this it’s awesome!

How often is this updated?

Uh duh…guess I should have read some of the other comments before posting.

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All good. I have been meaning to make that information more apparent on the site itself. This is another good nudge.

@watmildon I tried to use your filter function to get only highways highlighted. But somehow either I’m using it wrong or it’s not working as intended. E.g., TIGERMap still showing the railway, also power lines are still “black”.

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Doh! Thanks for letting me know. I rewrote all of the filter stuff for WAMap and botched the copy/paste into TIGERMap. The filters were never being set. I have pushed a fix and it looks like it is deployed.


Awesome, that was quick! Now the filter is working for me. :+1:

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A bit late to the party, but USDOT PHMSA has a public map viewer app for pipeline data. It’s a bit clunky and prevents you from zooming in too far, but it’s more authoritative than TIGER, and I used it pretty heavily over the last few months to identify pipelines and improve their routings in OSM. I’ll try to write a more detailed guide shortly, though I encourage anyone interested in pipeline mapping to play around with it.


Oh that is super lovely! Is that documented on the wiki or elsewhere? I’d love to point the “info” link in the drop down to some place that includes that kind of stuff.

Maybe we need a “tiger pipeline” page like we have for rails…

In lieu of something better I have added a link to your comment :wink:

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I couldn’t find much documentation on it, so here’s a diary entry :slight_smile:


Some TIGERMap updates…

  • Add a power layer - need to find a good “how to review” write up
  • The backing tiles now have all items with tiger:reviewed so you can now see tiger:reviewed=aerial by using the filter box
  • The backing tiles also now have OSM metadata so you can do a filter like highway;@version<=3. The fields are @id, @version, @timestamp, @type
  • Puerto Rico has been added
  • There is now a county boundary overlay

Thanks to everyone who posted and is using the site. Let me know if there’s anything else you’d like to see. Shout out to @Matt who has been a great contributor to various things listed above.


I can write something about reviewing power lines. I know a lot about electricity and used to work for a power company, and I’ve reviewed a lot of them in the area where I live.
Give me the weekend to get it written, though. I don’t want to try to do it now while I’m tired on a Friday evening.