Amazon-Mapper benutzen private Satellitenbilder

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Thanks Jothirnadh

Could you clarify this a bit though, it is important that any data you contribute conforms to the terms of the OSM Contributor Terms, in particular any third party rights that remain in what you are adding need to be compatible. If they are not, it may still be possible to use them but the exact terms need to be clarified.

Kind regards


@jguthula thanks a lot. 2 questions:

  • do you plan to update the currently mainly used iD-Editor version (e.g. from v2.15.4) to latest version 2.17.2?

Regarding Used Tools / Tasks workflow

Hi Simon,

The data which we contribute conforms to the OSM Contributor Terms. We made it very clear with the Maxar legal team as well. Can you let me know what additional information is required to be public? I can work with our internal team and make it more transparent.

Yes, our tech team is already working on it, and soon we will be updating to 2.17.2 iD version.

We do add some of the traffic signs covered in the wiki such as height & weight restrictions, do not enter boards, speed limits etc. Our team is experimenting to add more traffics signs once we are clear with the work-flows. Will keep the community posted with the updates.
