That was a bold move to reply to complaints about AI assistance with another chatbot-written response. Bravo.1 Also there are zero grammar errors, which is something that I, in my fifth decade of using the English language, almost never accomplish.
I assume since you are from Georgia that English may not be your first language. Unfortunately, your writing seems to fall into the uncanny valley, that weird zone where something is imperceptibly…off. We don’t want data in OSM to be off. We want it to be real, authentic, and human curated.
So please - write your responses in your native language, and if you must use AI, use it to translate your own words into English! Also if you are going to use AI to compose forum content, at least make an effort for the result to be clever.
The more you plagiarize AI in interacting with the community, the more hostile the community will be to you and your ideas.
1Sarcasm, in case it didn't translate.