I did some more fine tuning on the stats yesterday which have led to the following changes:
- GWR building class attribute gklas 1242 garage is now counted as ancillary buildings (see GWR | Eidg. Gebäude- und Wohnungsregister).
- replace the old count based coverage % (this goes back to the days before we actually matched addresses and was always just a rough estimate) with a coverage % based on actual matching.
- various small bug fixes.
Note that the criteria we use to determine ancillary buildings are not perfect and there will be some slop. The shape files currently still contain all data except those with dots in the house number, that will be fixed as soon as I rerun the extract process.
One thing I might get around to this week is seeing if we can use the GWR building description attribute in any reasonable way (example addr:housename for buildings that don’t have a house number).