About the name of the road drawn by Carto

Almost all roads in Japan that are managed by local governments have names.

In some cases, local governments publish the names of their roads on their websites, which is a very useful source of information.

In addition, each piece of land in Japan is small, so the roads are like a spider’s web.

The following example shows how to name each road with a “name” tag.

As you can see, at zoom level 15 the map is not beautiful due to the names of the roads.
Is there a better way to solve this problem?

You can make own rendering focused on optimizing for best display in Japan.

This specific rendering tries to be usable everywhere and as result each location will have some problems, often exactly opposite to problems in other location.

– signed, person responsible for last road redesign

PS It is also possible that font being used should be replaced by other font, but it seems that problem is caused by short names, and many roads

PPS Note: 3400493 | OpenStreetMap

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