A simple way to get streets data...

Hi there everybody.

The question is quite simple : how could I get OSM files ( text, csv, xml, … ) for a certain area ?
Let’s say i’d like to have a file with all the ways that can be found in NY City.
Where a “way” is just a collection of gps coordinates ( lat, lon ) or something like that.
Is there anything like this to download ? And where ?

Thanks to anyone able to help. :slight_smile:

You’re propably looking for OSM-XML, Overpass API/Overpass-Turbo and/or planet.osm.

Thanks rayquaza.

So it doesn’t seem to be as “simple” as I thought.
But is there an online tool allowing me to put my desired “Lat Max”, “Lat Min”, “Lon Max” and “Lon Min” and
to get an “OSM Xml” for the area ?
I don’t really need huge xml files…

That’s one use of the Overpass API. The Overpass-Turbo eases writing queries for it, i.e. everything in the Bounding-Box seen on the map. For manually adding these coordinates (to use the query in an own application) see this section.

… or use the JAVA based offline editor JOSM, install there the plugin “mirrored download”, and do a data download from its special download box from a bounding box defined by mouse dragging.

When that data is loaded into one layer in JOSM, do a “save-as” action in file menu to get a raw *.osm file.


Ok people.
I’ll take a look as soon as possible and will come back for furhter info.

Thanks again by now. :slight_smile: